
Information for Haywood County Schools Pre-K programs at Central Elementary, Clyde Elementary, Hazelwood Elementary, Jonathan Valley Elementary, Meadowbrook Elementary, and North Canton Elementary.
For more information please contact Ron Moss or Elaine Clinard at 456-2400.

PreK Brochure

Clyde Elementary
Donna Harris, Teacher
Kelly Coleman, Teacher Assistant
Alma Amsler, Teacher Assistant

Hazelwood Elementary
Mary Green, Teacher
Allie King, Teacher Assistant
June Noland, Teacher Assistant

Jonathan Valley Elementary

Kathy Swanger, Teacher
Christy Queen, Teacher Assistant
Elizabeth Reis, Teacher
Val Powell, Teacher Assistant

Meadowbrook Elementary

Kelli Setzer, Teacher
Amanda Caldwell, Teacher Assistant
Connie Hoefs, Teacher Assistant

North Canton Elementary

Andrea Riddle, Teacher
Martha Thoreson, Teacher Assistant

Pre-K Registration:

Anyone interested in the PreK program, should call Elaine Clinard at 828.456.2400 and request to have your name placed on a call back list for screenings to be held in late May or early June.

What is North Carolina Pre-Kindergarten (NC Pre-K)?
North Carolina Pre-Kindergarten is a voluntary pre-kindergarten program designed to prepare four-year-olds in North Carolina for success in school.


To be selected to participate in the pre-K program your child must:

  • be 4 years old on or before August 31, 2016,
  • live with parent or guardian in Haywood County, and
  • attend a developmental screening appointment.
  • children of active duty military families are also eligible.

Applications for the 2016 – 17 school year will be available at the Central Office: February 22-May 6, 2016

Step One: Complete and submit HCS Pre-K Application before May 9, 2016.

Step Two: Attend the developmental screening appointment with your child. You will receive a phone call assigning you an appointment time and location.

Community Pre-K Assessment Screening Appointments


Your child will be screened using a developmental assessment designed to measure gross and fine motor skills, critical thinking skills, language development and learning disposition behaviors. We call this experience “playing games with a teacher.” The assessment usually takes about 30 minutes.


About 75% the district’s classroom spaces are reserved for children who demonstrated they will gain the most educationally from a high quality Pre-K experience. Applicants are rank-ordered, offered placement, and when all classrooms in the county have been filled, a rank order wait list is maintained to fill vacancies as they occur.

**However, there are 24 slots available for parents who wish their children to attend the Pre-K program and are willing to pay. (4 Slots per school) These slots are not ranked ordered but offered on a first come, first served basis, and those children are placed unconditionally as long as they meet the state requirements for entry. These students will still be screened, however. The cost per month is $500.00. The first month’s fee is $550.00 as $50.00 is an application fee which will be returned to parents in May whose children complete the year.


Before and after school care is not part of the NC Pre-K program.

Transportation is provided if your child has been placed at a PreK site within the school district in which you live. You must request transportation services.


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