Seminar Presentations

Posted on January 2nd, 2020 in Uncategorized by hallen

#1 College Entrance Tests

#2 – Students created a College Foundation of NC account at Graduating seniors will return here to apply for NC residency and possibly complete admission applications also. This website provides many resources. One of my favorites is under “Plan” -> “For College” -> “Explore Programs and Majors”. Enter a major of interest, and click on “Schools Offering This Program” for a list of NC colleges with that program.

#3 How UNC-CH Admission Counselors Review Applications

#4 Should I apply for college admission as a First Year or Transfer student?

#5 Honors Programs/Colleges

Mountains to Coast College Tour

Posted on November 2nd, 2019 in Uncategorized by hallen

Haywood County’s Annual COLLEGE FAIR

Posted on September 4th, 2019 in Uncategorized by hallen


Posted on September 4th, 2019 in Uncategorized by hallen

College Planning

Posted on August 12th, 2019 in Uncategorized by hallen

East Tennessee State University Open House!!

Posted on March 15th, 2019 in Uncategorized by jdenton

Open House for ETSU is Saturday, March 30, 2019!

Register at:

NC Assist $5000 Scholarship Closes April 10th!!!!!!

Posted on March 14th, 2019 in Uncategorized by jdenton

NC Assist is sponsoring a $5000.00 scholarship for any student (or parents of students) who are current college students or planning to enroll in the fall. This means a students and both parents could potentially apply and have 3 chances to win! There are no essay requirements and only a few survey questions to answer.

Requirements and link:

Basic rules:

1) Must be a STUDENT or PARENT of a STUDENT who is:
18 years old
Planning to attend college this fall
EITHER -Living in NC ( and will be attending college in state or out)
OR- will be attending a NC college or university. Drawing will be held shortly
2) When the winner is selected, they must open an account in the NC 529 Plan and
College Foundation will deposit the $5000 in the NC529 Account. The winner
sets their own Investment Options.
3) Contest runs through April, 10th, 2019

Criminal Justice Fellows Program

Posted on March 14th, 2019 in Uncategorized by jdenton

The Criminal Justice Standards Division is offering a 100% forgivable loan to go to any North Carolina community College to acquire an Associate in applied Sciences degree for criminal justice.. The loan will be forgiven upon 4 years of working in an eligible profession and county.

The application process will open January 1
The application process will close April 30

Call: (919) 662-4609
Fax: (919) 779-8210

Full eligibility requirements, forms and FAQ listed @ Standards/Criminal-Justice-Fellows-Program.aspx

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