9th and 10th Grade Meetings 9/2/22

Posted on September 2nd, 2022 in Uncategorized by hallen

Today, we will be completing the following tasks in preparation for our fieldtrip on Monday, September 12th.

9th Grade

  1. Create a College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC) account.
  2. Once logged in, navigate to Plan Your Future -> Career Interest Profiler -> NCCareers.org Interest Finder (Short Version). Later, we will talk about college majors for your possible career(s) and colleges/universities that offer those majors.

9th – 13th Grades

  1. College Fair Registration
  2. WCU Campus Tour Registration

* Remember to submit the HEC permission form with a parent/guardian before we return to school on Tuesday 🙂


Update 9/7 – Slide shared via Remind and TVs

The preliminary application for ETSU’s Roan and UNC-CH’s Morehead-Cain scholarships is due to Dr. Allen before Tuesday, September 6th, at 8:30a.

Posted on August 29th, 2022 in Uncategorized by hallen

Prestigious Scholarships (shared via Remind on 8/26 and in a class meeting on 8/29)

This document also includes information about the following scholarships that do not require a school endorsement:  Duke/UNC-CH’s Robertson, NCSU’s Park and Goodnight, QuestBridge National College Match and UNC-C’s Levine.

Class of ’23 Family Night

Posted on August 20th, 2022 in Uncategorized by hallen

Thank you for attending Thursday’s event! I hope that you feel more informed and confident about next steps and the year ahead. Attached is the organizer. Remember that the underlined text are embedded links to simplify your navigation. If viewing on a mobile device, select “Print layout” for the best formatting.

Jumpstart Guide

Financial Aid Offers & Student Loans

Posted on February 24th, 2022 in Uncategorized by hallen

Linked is a presentation by our CFNC representative Devon McCarthy-James that I have permission to re-share. Seniors, this is a great resource to reference as you receive and try to understand each college’s financial aid package.

From Yearbook: Please participate in the following Google Forms before or on December 10th.

Posted on November 30th, 2021 in Uncategorized by hallen

Our Yearbook Staff wants to create an exceptional publication inclusive of you all, so please participate and submit well-written responses and quality photographs. You must be signed in to your @student.haywood.k12.nc.us account to access.

Friends, Family, Hobbies & Cars

Pets, Food & Memes


Graduating Senior Superlatives & 60 Things (All grade levels are invited to vote on Superlatives.)

Community Service Fair Sneak Peek

Posted on October 29th, 2021 in Uncategorized by hallen

Tomorrow during AEO, we will have a few guests in the Cafe. Two of them are from Haywood Community College’s Career Services. They will be available to share sample resumes AND provide feedback on drafts. With their permission, I am uploading a few resources for easy reference. We appreciate their support of HEC students and are excited about this new opportunity!

Chronological Resume Sample

Cover Letter Explanation

HCC Resume Workbook

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) opens October 1st!

Posted on September 30th, 2021 in Uncategorized by hallen

As a reminder, Haywood County’s annual Financial Aid Night is today (September 30th) at 6:00p in HCC’s Auditorium with our regional CFNC representative Devon McCarthy-James. We hope that you will feel more informed about next steps and available resources.

Below are a few links for easy reference as our Class of 2022 begins the process of paying for college, specifically with need-based financial aid. However, some scholarships, like the Haywood County Schools Foundation, require a hardcopy of the FAFSA Student Aid Report, so ALL families are encouraged to apply. Although there is not a deadline, “the early bird gets the worm” – I recommend by January 1, 2022.

Navigating FAFSA and RDS

Who’s My Parent When I Fill Out My FAFSA?

FAFSA Worksheet

Don’t Get Scammed

FAFSA Day will be October 23rd. These drive-through events will provide in-person assistance.

Our October “NC Countdown to College” activities will be announced soon!

Rising Senior Family Night

Posted on May 12th, 2021 in Uncategorized by hallen

Attached is the presentation (Summer To-Do List) shared on May 6th and 7th.

Class of 2022

“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” (Audrey Hepburn)

Posted on February 15th, 2021 in Uncategorized by hallen

RAK Week gift update:  The gift includes seed paper. Here are better instructions:

Place seed paper in a ziplock plastic sandwich bag.

Saturate the paper with water (approximately one tablespoon).

Seal the bag, trapping enough air to keep the sides of the bag from touching.

Choose a location where the temperature stays at least 72 degrees and it will get a few hours of natural light every day.

When there are 1/2″ sprouts (around 10 days), transfer the seed paper to a pot with soil in it, and add a light layer of soil on top. Keep damp, and tent with a plastic bag.

Remember that plants can be harmful to pets.

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year” – Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Week!

Posted on February 14th, 2021 in Uncategorized by hallen

Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Week is officially February 14th – 20th. However, we want to celebrate when A Week students are on campus, too, so HEC is extending our RAK Week through February 26th. Beginning tomorrow, view our announcements daily for updates. Until then:

1) wear a HEC or purple shirt tomorrow to show your Pack pride and

2) plan to write at least one “Thank You” note to a past or present school staff member. Be specific – Describe what the person did and its personal impact. We can deliver to Haywood County Schools and/or Haywood Community College. For remote students, here is a digital card: RAK Week ’21 Thank You Note. Follow the instructions on the RAK slide below for editing and sending.

As you know, gratitude is a skill that can be practiced; it is one of our 3 daily questions. Gratitude benefits the recipient, as well as the giver. The resilience slide below shares how it improves our health and a challenge to start a gratitude journal.

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